Friday, September 3, 2010

20,000 feet

Sorry it took me so long to write a new blog, I've been out of internet for a little while folks.
Anyways I'm now in Chicago with Bob, Marlo, and Payton.   Last night I got to see my Auntie Hana who I hadn't seen it at least 7 years.  It was pretty cool and fun.  I also got a little tour around DePaul (Where my uncle works) it looked pretty nice and cool around there.

Two days ago back when I was in Boston we tried to hack the subway system (Steve's roomate is a computer hacking expert) anyways we failed, but whatever.  We played some awesome soccer at MIT on a astroturf field ewwwwww.  I slid so many times my left leg is cut up pretty badly, I think it may have gotten infected but I've been washing it out.  Sorry about the gross details.

Anyway, my last night in Boston me,  Steph, and Steve, went to an Italian restaurant, I bought them dinner for letting me stay with them.  It was in the North End which is the nice end of Boston.  Boston is like different in every single part from the Back Bay to the North Side.  I had soo much fun just walking around and talking with them, it kinda felt like old times when we all used to hang out a ton.  I missed them both so much. 

We saw these two people on a super awkward date where the girl was just sitting back and smoking and he was trying to do some lasso trick with this string and lasso her, it was pretty amusing.  Stephanie is so funny.  She wants to find a boyfriend so desperately, I guess Steve sorta does also.  They are both pretty sick of the city, and I don't blame them.  So many people, but it's still really lonely there, no one wants to be serious they just want hook-ups and such.  It's kind of a sad thing to see.

I had tons of fun in Boston, though, and loved staying there and hanging out at MIT.  I'm at a really emotional part of my book, sometimes I hate writing it, but it's actually really good for me to get it out on paper. 

Anyways I'm doing well at Bob and Marlo's unfortunately they have pretty limited internet access :(.  I love you all though and God Bless you.


Upcoming:  Tonight seeing a soccer game at DePaul.  Next weekend, I'm going camping with Peyton and Marlo, do some kayaking and such :)

Future:  Well, I have no idea.

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