Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Hancock State of Mind

I heard that Glee is doing Empire State of Mind on the season opener and I got to hear a clip this morning so ya I was a little excited, hence the punned title.

Anyways, I got dropped off at the field museum this morning and walked around the whole museum.  It's freakin huge too, not like a California Museum but actually, legitimately HUGE!  It took me a really long time.  I saw this awesome exhibit that was of all the different gemstones.  They had like huge diamonds, emeralds, sapphires, ruby's, the whole shabang in there.  It may sound gay that I was excited about this display, but if you saw all the massively huge gems they had in there you would have gotten dollar signs in your eyes too lol.  I never knew though that like Ruby's can be blue, red, green, white, and so can all the other gems.  I always thought emerald meant green and sapphire meant blue, but they don't.  Shows how much of a boy I am.

Also I got in free to the Field Museum along with the Observatory, which was pretty sweet.  So after I walked all over them I went into downtown Chicago and just walked around, bought some stuff from urban outfitters, and tried to sneak into the Sears Tower... but it's impossible.  Afterwards I walked to Navy Pier and rested at the end and continued reading my book Why Mars and Venus Collide.  It's such a good book written by a guy who has stayed married to the same woman his whole life, so I guess he knows what he's talking about, and I feel like I'm learning so much about things I noticed but never really understood before. 

So basically I've walked at least 5 miles today and I'm super tired.  I haven't really eaten that much except some cereal this morning and part of a sandwich.  I took the metro to DePaul University where Bob's writing up a news report on the women's soccer game, so I'm just sitting in the office hanging out until he's ready to go, which probably won't be for a while even though its basically 8 here! 

I love being free and hanging out on my own, but I also really really miss hanging out with people I know and love.  It's nice being alone and able to ponder my thoughts but sometimes I get sick of hearing myself talk to myself...

Thanks a bunch for listening and I hope you all have wonderful and God-filled and blessed days.

Love always,



  1. Empire State of Mind: I think Jay-Z was wrong about New York
    Museum: Did you see the painting with the dots?
    Gems: Dude, I easily could have lost a bet about those being more than 1 color.
    Sears Tower: Security is a step up from Seattle then.
    Part of a Sandwich: Have you eaten a good ol' slice of Chicago pizza yet? You told me would, so stop wasting time on parts of sandwiches.
    Hearing yourself talk to yourself: Skype soon? (Oh, check out Google Voice btw. You can call any phone in the US for free and do other sweet things)

    Miss you too amigo! We had a crazy adventure in one of my dreams the other night. Just like times with Dumbledore and Harry Potter back in Uganda.

  2. Seriously man. Chicago Deep Dish is quite possibly the best food ever.

  3. haha I actually ahd Chicago pizza the very first night I came in! But... it wasn't deep dish so I'll get on that haha.

    ya guys if you want to skype me just text me, it's kinda pain in the ass right now cuz i gotta walk a mile, but its good exercise haha... and it will be easier once I'm in Princeton on the 5th of October or when I'm in Florida and on...

  4. I really like that you were trying to sneak into the sears tower, it definitely brings back memories of Seattle and how we tried to get onto the rooftop of everything that was like 20 stories or higher haha.

    Glad you're having an awesome time out there. I have to admit I am pretty jealous of your trip.

    Be safe and God Bless!!!
