Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Dave Matthews and Terrorists

SOrry I haven't written in a while, I've been a bit busy.  Anyways, a few days ago I went into the city to see the Chicago Symphony Orchestra perform.  It was an amazing performance.  And millenium park is so beautiful and there concert hall is like 100x better than the Orange County one.  Anyways there had to be at least 15,000 people there standing up sitting and everything.  After the performance they shot up fireworks all around the arena where we were listening.  This little girl about 5 or something next to me started laughing and jumping up and down, it was really cute, it's something Rachel would have done as a child haha.

Tonight I'm heading to Navy Pier to see Romeo and Juliet in the SHakespeare Theatre that is shaped exactly like the globe (Shakespeare's theatre for all you non-English majors).  That should be pretty fun.  Oh I forgot to tell everyone that I've moved downtown for the week to my Aunti Hana's so I can help her move and pack up and everything.  So today I'm going to hang out in the city for a while.  Hana and my grandma are funny since they're sisters, they act just like sisters would lol.

When I first got to my Aunti Hana's (My Aunt lives right next to Wrigley field fyi) Dave Matthews was performing and the concert was sold out.  YOu could hear the music from her apartment.  Anyways, it was pretty amusing because the FBI had given this terrorist a fake bomb to plant, and he planted it at 52nd and Clark which is like right across the street from the my Aunti Hana's.  And after he planted it they arrested him and so now I guess he's going to the jail.  So I almost got blown up by Terrorists!!!  haha luckily the FBI got to him first so it never really was a threat.

I hope you all are doing great.  I'm not really homesick, but I do miss hanging out with you guys.  Pray for me.  Mornings are the worst but by the afternoon I'm usually okay.  Some days are good some are bad.  But life goes on.


1 comment:

  1. That terrorist thing is crazy. I looked it up to find out more. I'm really glad that terrorists often seem to be really dumb. Wooh.

    I miss you amigo! Keep writing!
