Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The search beings...

... for WiFi connection

Long story short, I have to travel in this uber suburbia town to the nearest starbucks/barnes & Nobles store to find wifi constantly because there's like none by the houses and the ones that are are super protected because in suburbs families are very paranoid, and this is super-suburbia.  I think I should come up with a sweet name for it like superbia.  It's like almost farms out here everything is so spread out but then not really.

Anyways, I'm writing like crazy recently.  I've finished another chapter.  And I'm working my ass off on adapting a book into a musical.  Any guesses?  :)  I have like 15 songs halfway done, I'll probably end up writing something around 50 then using like 20.  God has really been preparing me to write with a ton of dialogue in my book and musical.  I read like 10 plays over the summer and took a theatre class where everything is based upon dialogue.

I'm so excited I'm really seeing my writing style develop and learning the show rather than tell concept of writing... I guess only English major's would really know about that so sorry if that doesn't make any sense.

Yesterday we went to a folk music festibal... LOL... that's about all I have to say about that.  I'm picking up Payton from the bus stop today then watching him.  Pray for me.  Just kidding.  But seriously that kid has a rediculous memory.  My memory is based like entirely on like photographic memory while his is like memorising facts and data.  We are completely opposite, but we have fun playing harry potter on his ds and getting our butts kicked on MLB 2K10, ya the computer owns on that game its rediculous i think we won once...

I kind of just go through the day not knowing anything about tomorrow or the next day or anything.  I bought a ticket for Miami but my cousin got sick so I don't know if i'll even be able to stay there lol.  It's kinda rediculous, but I'm learning to let complete go of control and have trust in God, have trust in others.  I know things will come through somehow and life will work out in some crazy freakin way, even if I have to be alone my whole life or something (I just realized both my uncles who are the middle children are the only one's in the family who aren't married) I guess it's just my destiny haha.  But it's really ok I'm fine with it, God knows what's best for me when I'm just sitting here having absolutely no idea what is going on.

Well, sorry for packing so much random insight with no real stories... I love you all so much thanks for being great friends/family.  God loves you and has plans for all of you and you're all pretty cool, you must be to know me ;) just kiddin

God Bless you and Keep you and make His face shine upon you always.



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