Friday, September 10, 2010

The Open Door...

So right now I'm in Wisconsin in Door County.  Apparently we went here as children, but ya don't remember.  It's a little boring up here but hey i get free wifi WOOT!  There are some beautiful sights around here though so I'll probably go running tomorrow to look at them.  The waterfront scenery is really beautiful.

Anyways, one of payton's uncles on Marlo's side is super funny.  He's like old and he talks and acts like this guy from the office.  Ok so the episode is Phyllisus's wedding and Dwight kicks out this old guy who has altheimerz cuz he thinks he is a wedding crasher.  Anyway this guy talks about aliens and how he can contact them and how they can control the weather like Al Gore who made 100 million dollars off his ability to control the weather.  He's really funny and he thinks California is a "jungle" even when I said I was from ORange County he's like ya that's a horrible place with tons of crime hahaha...

The past few days have been a little rough... I hardly sleep at night anymore partly because my dreams are so bad and intense sometimes I really find it hard to distinguish whether or not I was dreaming or not, it's kinda crazy i always thought that was the only flaw in inception, but after the insanely scary/real dreams I've had I can totally understand I have to convince myself they're fake, it's probably just because I'm super emotional right now, but hopefully they will fade away.  I really don't think I'll ever sleep an 8 hour night again though a good night now is 6 hours I don't really count anymore like I used to...

We went to this random movie/mystery play tonight that won a bunch of awards but wasn't really that good.  Marlo hated it lol and thought it was the worst thing she'd ever seen and Payton fell asleep.  Anyways the hotel is pretty nice and is a 1-bedroom place for only $89 a night which is really freakin good for a 1-room place.

I miss all you guys so much!  I'm going to see if Jeff will take me skydiving with him when I'm in Sanfran... don't tell my grandmother or she might have a heart attack knowing two of her loved ones could die at one time lol.

God Bless you and I love every single one of you!


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