Monday, August 30, 2010

Presbyterians and Death Fraternity

Ok, so I'm just going to jump right into it.  Sunday I was going to go to a Baptist church in Boston but I got lost (as usual) and ended up going to a "Presbyterian Church".  You know you think Presbyterian... must be pretty conservative and normal, and everything was for the first half of the service...
However, I forgot to see the fine print that said the "Union Church of Christ"
Anyway about halfway through the service of a normal sermon on Martha and Jesus, the pastor suddently went off on a complete tangeant on how it was wrong for everyone to be against the Muslim church on ground zero, and I'm not saying I'm for or against this i just thought it was a shocking transition to politics...
Then i see these two ladies in front of me.  One is massaging the other and I think hey that's a little wierd.  So then the preacher starts talking about how they are a church accepting of all "kinds of love", and then I got it, yup there was definitely a lesbian couple in front of me that attended the church.  Not too soon afterwards the associate pastor started praying, he said something about mother earth and how we have abused her.  I definitely left in a hurry after the service was out.

Suffice to say, be warned when you go to a "conservative" church in a downtown city.
One of the sad things about Boston is everyone is so angry all the time.  When our subway completely bipassed a stop and we had to wait all the way back til we got off, this one guy was cussing out this big black lady who was working on the subway, it was something like,
"You're the bitch!!"
"No, You're the BITCH!!"
Me and Ojeda were kinda laughing at it.  Anyways again while I was on my way to crazy church this bicycle was riding by and this car wanted to turn right but couldn't so he laid on his horn.  The Bicyclist proceeded to flip the driver off and the driver rolled down the window and started cussing out the bicyclist.
These along with a few other times I can't remember now make me think people in cities are pretty angry.

Anyway, we are beating rock band right now.  Me, Steve, and Ken (Steve's roomate).  Somehow Ken figured out how to stick a tatoo on his guy that looks like a penis jutting out of his pants (sorry some guy humor but it was really funny)
Today, also I got a tour of MIT.  It was pretty awesome, it's just crazy the high power turbine, low power turbine, steve was working on this satellite telescope that could map the output of supernovas I just couldn't believe it.  I'm finishing up my tour tomorrow.
Theta Chi had a massive ultimate frisbee game and we ended up playing for 2 hours!  I was dying my legs are killing me and I can barely move.

I love the guys in their fraternity, they're kinda nerdy, but I you all know I guess so am I.  Not quite as nerdy as Steve spending three hours arranging stick on glow-in-the dark stars on his ceiling in the exact sequence on his ceiling as is normally in the sky.  I'm pretty exausted but having fun, I hit up an awesome week of recruiting and playing frisbee, soccer, and all kinds of events, it's been good.

Love you all and hope all your school is going well.  God Bless you and keep you.


Upcoming stuff:  Soccer tomorrow and finish MIT tour tomorrow.

Future:  You know the stuff.

P.S. the weather is so bipolar and after raining in 60 degrees its now almost up to 90

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