Sunday, September 12, 2010

Uncle George - aka Superman

So I'm in Wisconsin right now for all you people.  Peyton has this hilarious uncle named uncle George (i think it's actually his great uncle he's like 60).  Anyways I've hung out with him just as much if not more than peyton cuz he's hilarious.

He is like addicted to smoking its so funny and he says these crazy things.  IN the car the first time we were with him he was convincing peyton he was superman (he used to be a policeman and once found these people who had tin foiled all the electronics in their house so the aliens couldnt get him.  Anyways he went on to say how he was an alien and in 2012 they were coming back for him and how they could control the weather and how this was how al gore got 100 million dollars.

Anyways last night we were at thie restaurant and he was talking to our Bulgarin waiter telling her how she should hook his nephew (who is about 19 and was sitting next to me) up with her or one of her friends.  He got him to write down his phone number for her.  He told her that he was too old for her and the only way they could be together is if he had a 100 million dollars then it would be ok.  It was really funny and he makes rediculous comments all the time.  I was sitting next to him at the musical we saw and there was an old guy in a play and the old guy in the play said something and Uncle George yells out "haha thats me!"

He's pretty hilarious, but anyways he's been my main source of entertainment the week long.  I walked to church this morning and a guy from the church saw i was kinda stranded and gave me a lift back to the hotel.

Marlo sometimes acts down to peyton's age which can be kinda annoying because she doesn't punish him very much and because of this whenever i try to get him to go to the pool with me or walk along the beach with me or something he doesn't want to if his mom isn't there...
Just a few gripes and complaints but I've been having fun just chilling out and hanging out with Marlo's family, i think i spend more time with them than she does, for some reason she doesn't like them very much.  Last night there were two tables for dinner and I sat with all the adults by myself while Marlo and Peyton sat at the kids table, it was interesting, but i had fun.

Oh and the musical was called guys and does and was pretty funny it was a very regional play.  I've really been enjoying being able to walk or swim every day, it really makes you feel fresher every day and less gross like sitting on the couch all day does.  I miss you all a ton and would love to be able to hang out with every single one of you.

I've been talking to Marlo about church and stuff and she said she went for three years but then the church kinda fell apart when the pastor cheated on his wife and the church became divided.  I told her about our church and how it kinda fell apart, she told me she was into some meditation thing now.  I guess you could pray for her that God would show her the way... it frustrates me so much sometimes how much us as human beings mess up churches and drive people away, i know it almost drove me away...

Oh and pray for me because my Cousin Johnny is getting really sick and I'm supposed to be going to FLorida at the beginning of next month so I don't know how that will turn out, maybe God wants me to be there and help out but maybe not.




  1. Sounds like you are having fun. Florida will be cool, you should go to Disney World for me or at least outside of

    So you will be in Chicago for at least a month? Coolio. So if we send you something you will be there to get it, yes? When is your last day in Chicago?

  2. I'm in chicago for a while until mid october so ya send me some stuff lol
