Wednesday, September 8, 2010

O - C - D

I was walking to Barnes and Nobles today and realized Dear God I have so bad OCD.  And I'm not like just saying that as some people say you know but I really do.

Take for example when I'm walking on sidewalks.  I always walk with two steps or three depending on the distance between each crack between the slabs and I have to have it evenly distributed so that one foot never exceeds the other in the ammount of times it goes first and last.  When  I was a kid I used to have to step on the tiles in my house in a specific order and touch certain ones so that everything would be evened out.  WHen I sit down in a room like the one I'm in now, the first thing I notice is how many tables there are and whether they are evenly distributed across the room.  I always count the ceiling tials in any room and figure out the distance between the lights and tiles to see if they are even or not.  WIthout even thinking (Usually when I'm bored).

WIthout thinking I always line up things on my desk and if a book is on the corner of a desk I can't take it sticking out and if I'm by it I will always line it up with the edges.

I was watching criminal minds thinking that would be a perfect job for me, I love noticing patterns in everything I do.  For example in music I've noticed that all of the good musicals/ones i like always have a love triangle going on.  Look at Wicked you have Alfaba and Glenda going for Fierro, in Phantom its the Phantom and Raul for Christine, in Oklahoma its Judd and the main guy going for the girl, in Miss Saigon its Miss Saigon and the other girl he married after the guys heart, in Les Mis its eponine and cosette for the guy, Jekyll and Hyde its both girls in love with the same man but in different forms of jekyll and hyde respectively.  I could go on honestly forever.  And then I could tell you about music how the V-IV and V-V is an extremely popular chord in musicals and how modulating to the bVI and the bIII is extremely powerful in musicals and sounds nice, and that's why most songs use it.

If you could imagine how annoying my own mind is because of this you would understand why I have to just shut it off sometimes or else it literally drives me crazy.

Anyways, sorry for the huge spiel, I feel like this has been more of an essay than anything, but it's just waht I'm thinking about right now.  Oh btw if anyone wants to get me a birthday gift I would really like to have the piano and vocal book for Jekyll and Hyde, Miss Saigon, and the best of Andrew Lloyd Webber.

haha love all you guys and hope you're having an awesome time in good old california.


P.S.  I'm going to Wisconsin this weekend to the mountains, it's going to be like Yosemite out there whoohoo!  I'm excited it should be fun just being away from civilization... I'll probably bring my computer though anyways lol.  I miss you guys all a ton trust me its fun but kinda sucks not being able to hang out with any of you.


  1. I never knew this about you. lol. Hang in there! Enjoy the weekend sir. Miss you too amigo!

  2. Haha I think its hereditary. I walk the same way on sidewalks and I used to walk/still sometimes walk on our tiles the way a knight moves on a chess board. lol. Its interesting how you see music that way cuz mines numbers. Radios, tv's, computers, etc. I have to set the volume levels to certain numbers. Either my lucky 5 or Fibonacci number or a number that contains them or adds up to i'm weird. lol. At least we don't go crazy like some people if things are wrong. Can't wait to talk to you again bro!

  3. haha true that, ya we're just freaks i guess.
