Sunday, September 26, 2010

Growing Old

So I haven't written in a while.  I'm sorry, I've just been really busy helping my great aunt hana move.  My grandma and great uncle Johnny were there but they are so old now that its hard for them to lift anything heavy so I did almost all the heavy lifting down 4 flights of stairs was quite interesting...

Anyways, I'm so glad we got everything moved out.  Wow, i guess i have to go back to Thursday where I went to the museum of art in chicago.  AMAZING!  truly amazing.  They're art insititute demolishes ours.  They have renoir, monet, manet, van goh, munch, jackson pollock, picasso, el grecco, just so many amazing paintings there and all of them were pretty famous ones and they have a modern wing which is incredible too.  And i went on a free night!  i took pictures imitating the ferris buehler moment where the camera slowly zooms in on that little girl in the pointilism picture then back on his friend then back to the picture but unfortunately they got deleted since i got a new phone today.  It's a touch screen, pretty nice, I'm happy I got it and it's still pretty small and convenient.

I got to spend the night by myself in Auntie Hana's old place last night which was really fun just being in the city by myself.  Also after moving Hana in to her new place I went downtown to Columbia College and saw some of their dance recitals.  They were incredible!

I usually don't appreciate dance that much cuz I think sometimes its really pointless and random, but they combined good dancing with creative choreography which made for both a humorous and intriguing dance routine.  I loved it though and it was nice to see dance can be so much more interesting than i thought.  And the people there are crazy with half their head shaved and spiked dyed hair on the other.  Piercings everywhere.  All that jazz.  It was pretty awesome.

It's been a really long and tiring weekend I'm pretty tired.  I'm so glad God brought me here to be able to help because no one else really helped hana out besides the other old people, and no one could really lift heavy things.  I love the city so much and am going to miss it!  But I hate eating out and can't wait to get some real homeade food in princeton instead of eating out all the time.

Oh i forgot there was this crazy guy on one of the buses who everyone was wierded out by so they all like moved away from him but i didn't really care so i was sitting next to him.  He was saying something about Jesus and goats with grass or something.  He made me recite some random sentences and then told me there was a movie coming out about him with "Harry Potter" (Daniel Radcliffe) starring in it.  He said none of it was true though so not to believe what the movie said.  I said I wouldn't.  The guy was really nice, though, and I talked to him about screenwriting because I'm reading about screenwriting.

So, now I'm at a hotel in Addison with my dad who came in today.  I'm exausted and so tired and ready to just sit back and watch some glee, fringe, project runway, 30 rock, the office, and all of my favorite shows.

Love you all and hope you're having an amazing semester.

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