Sunday, September 5, 2010

If at first you don't suceed...

     While walking the corridors of DePaul today I read a little sign.  It was a picture of Abraham Lincoln.  I guess most of you know history and know how many times Abraham Lincoln failed.  He lost county elections,  state elections, federal elections, pretty much failed at everything, but eventually came on to be the greatest president our nation has ever known.
     I know it's kinda corny but it was a big encouragement for me to read that and see that despite all my failure in life, friendships, love, that God is still watching out for me.  Instead of just looking at a circumstance as simply "bad" now, I'm trying to see that although it is bad there is a lesson to be learned from everything, and in order to fix those "bad" things, I need to learn my lesson before they can become good again.  Sorry if that seemed a little befuddled, my mind is kinda befudled.

You know what's really cool though!  Yesterday I passed over 10,000 pages in writing my book!  It's kinda crazy.

Anyways, I am in Chicago in case you didn't know and I've been to see my Auntie Hana a couple of times which has been really nice.  She is so funny and old I love just hanging out with her to see what she does next.  Auntie Marlo and I are going to help her move tomorrow, while you are probably all at the beach or on vacation on your day off haha.  I keep on forgetting since I'm not in school, it's kinda wierd.  I've enjoyed hanging out with Payton and Bob as well.  In fact I'm at DePaul right now watching women and men's soccer.  I kinda left the women's soccer cuz it was a little boring (no offense anyone, but men's soccer is a lot more interesting to watch, sorry)  Anyways, the men won 1-0 in a great game.  This one guy lobbed in an awesome hooking shot and with three defenders the captain jumped up and headed the ball right into the corner.  It was like a picture perfect play.

Sorry, I love getting into sports and I get to watch from the press box which is pretty cool I have a great view of the entire field.  I really love and miss you all and think about you guys all the time wanting to hang out with you.  I hope that whatever you all are doing you are having a great time.  And I know God has plans for my life, your life, and our lives, so may the Lord bless you and keep you always.



  1. Over 10,000 pages! That's awesome bro! Oh and I noticed you spelled "beffudled" like this and like this "befudled". haha just goes to show that I am reading your blog word for word and not just skimming over it. I'm praying for you everyday buddy and I hope your mind will get sorted out of the course of your trip!

    God Bless


  2. When you say 10,000, what the heck do you mean. I think you're lying. Liar.

  3. hahaha sorry that was supposed to be 10,000 words!
