Saturday, August 28, 2010

MIT bound

Today I am writing this earlier in the day because tonight I am going to go with the freshman on a midnight tour of MIT.  I'm going with one of Steve's friends who is a "hacker".  These are the insane guys who find secret tunnels and ways to get into the top of buildings and other cool places.  Hopefully we are gunna get onto the small dome of MIT.

These guys are insane though.  Once they somehow got a cop car onto the dome of MIT along with other times getting a "time machine" phone booth from Dr. Who on top, a rotating map of the metro stations moving around the dome, and turning the dome into an R2-D2 droid when Episode 1 came out.  They do pranks like these every month... no one knows how, but it's pretty crazy, MIT kids are like geniuses its insane.

The fraternity house is awesome.  They have to go dry for the next two weeks during rush week, but this morning when I came in they had their big pre-sobriety party with tons of beer cans everywhere (They're drinking up all the alcohol in the house before the inspectors come today haha).  I love their fraternity though, their kinda nerdy but at least their not douches like their neighbors.  I would have liked to be in a fraternity hanging out with the guys a ton, and they have a terribly out-of-tune piano here along with a pool table, and their house is 5 stories in downtown Boston with a beautiful view of the bay and downtown city!

Today I met my cousin Beth for the first time.  We went to the Harvard Square and ate at Bartley's Burger Shop.  It was awesome and I got the Joe Biden burger and cousin Beth got the Mitt Romney.  Mine was of course a Bacon Cheeseburger with barbeque sauce... sooo good... and the meat was like half a pound.  This morning I accidentally grabbed Catherine's computer (Stephanie's roomate) because we all have macs.  What I find interesting about the macbooks is that all of ours break in the front bottom right, does anyone else have a crack in their computers there?  Anyways, I had to return that after lunch. It was so good catching up with a cousin I had just met, we talked about living in California in Boston, my future plans in travelling, and old stories about my dad when they all were kids.  "Ricky was a mean kid," she told me, it's funny now cuz my dad is so very mellow now.

Anyways we were trying to hang this deer head in Steve's fraternity room, someone suggested on the entrance door, but we thought that might be a little dangerous with the antlers.  I wanted him to hang it from the ceiling over his bed so he could stare into its eyes before he went to be every night, but that seemed a little rediculous as well.  They're trying to clean up before rush week starts but I think all they've really don is figured out a place to put the deer head, haha it's pretty funny.

I'm so glad I'm finally reunited with a piano, it's been such a long time since I've seen my friend.  Anyways, after tomorrow hopefully I'll have some interesting stories to right about besides the "say yes to the dress" marathon we watched last night (At Stephanie's apartment, not at the fraternity).  I think they were planning on pretending they were getting married and going to a bridal store and trying on all kinds of dresses lol.

I hope I didn't bore you all, I've started writing a book about my travels, I think I only slept 5 hours last night because I kept coming up with ideas, waking up, and writing them, I finished the first chapter and am halfway through the second, hopefully it will be done by the time I get back.

Love to you all in whatever you are doing God Bless!

Upcoming events:  MIT freshman tour tonight midnight - 4 a.m.with the "hacker" (I'm pretending I'm an MIT freshman), Tomorrow I'm going to the first Baptist church in Boston, Monday possibly getting an "official" tour of Berklee with Maggie, Tuesday - perhaps going sailing with Steve (that should be interesting since be both barely know how)

Future:  Chicago, I'm thinking a month and a half now

I'll leave you with these photos

1 comment:

  1. Broski. I am very proud of you. I am missing you terribly. I wish that i could have been with you on this journey. i do believe that you are a strong man dale. Intense at times, but i love you and that is really all i want to say.

