Friday, August 27, 2010

Let me catch you up

So here's the scoop.  Josh told me to write a blog so here I am writing for you my best friends.  I love you all but I needed some time off to find myself.  Please keep this blog just to you guys cuz some of the stuff is going to be a little uncensored and I knew you guys could handle it, but others couldnt.  I left for Boston on Friday a week ago.  I was going to sleep in the airport when I arrived but it was completely empty so I headed for the T (which is the name of the bus/train system in Boston).  The first few days were a bit rainy, but I got to sleep in the basement on a comfy couch with an HD projector plugged into television... so that may have been a little distracting.  However, I did make my way to downtown Boston to check out Harvard University (I may have snuck into a dorm through a door that may have been left open), checked out Cambridge, snuck into Berklee school of music, saw Northeastern University (It's the most beautiful University by far), and New England Conservatory (which I loved as well).  I also visited the Prudential Center, The Boston Commons, Cambridge Public Library, Harvard Square, along with just the main downtown Boston area.  I have gotten lost so many times it's rediculous, but still fun.

Anyways, nothing makes you appreciate living with a bunch of guys more than living with 5 girls in an apartment for a week.  In between their constant drinking, the talks about hj's and bj's and almost an example on a banana I'm so glad to be moving out into a fraternity Saturday.  I did have fun though while there and I have been reading my Bible like crazy.  I'm hoping to get through the entire thing by the time I get back, I've never done it before but it's been comforting me greatly so I just keep on reading.

Last night, in their new apartment, Catherine and Stephanie had some random European guys over they had never met.  They danced salsa with them and talked with them and I talked with them a bit (In between the several shots they tried to get me to drink - Don't worry Liz I didn't) and I got invited to a soccer game today.  After stealing a bunch of music from Stephanie's computer this morning, I ended up just saying what the hell and going to the soccer game which was on the other side of the Charles River.
I thought I was gunna get my ass kicked cuz these guys were all big and European so I figured I'm screwed but I actually held my own.  Boy am I out of shape though, in my X-country days I could have kept up with any of those guys but I was just too tired it was rediculous.

Anyway my friend that I had met the night before, Hescham, didnt' show up til late so I kinda akwardly played with a bunch of guys I had never met for a while it was funny.  I still got some soccer skillz though.  I was kinda proud of myself.  But, unfortunately, my shoes are now super muddy and my pants are super muddy and I'm kinda screwed since I have nowhere to wash clothes, woops.

That's all for now God is really working in me and changing me and helping me get through every day though it is hard.  I love you all and until next time...

Upcoming Events:  Saturday - Moving into Fraternity of MIT and meeting my cousin Beth for the first time
Sunday - I'm going to the First Baptist Church of Boston!  that should be fun
Thursday - I'm leaving for Chicago

Future:  These are the cities I'm thinking about visiting, what do you all think?  Boston, Chicago, Tampa, Boulder, Las Vegas, San Fransisco.

God Bless and much love to you all,


  1. Oh I almost forgot I also saw my first Lesbian couple today haha, and I watched some awesome Indian soap operas, and we decided that the Indian women are always skinny before they get married because they try to make them look good before they are married off but they all get a little chunky afterwards because they no longer care.

  2. Dale I'm glad you made it their safely man. I hope you continue to try a lot of new things while your are on your trip and I will be praying for you constantly. I look forward to reading more about your trip so I encourage you to keep posting!

    God Bless

  3. Woooo! Super stoked that you started this up. Definitely sounds like an adventure. Church trip adventures x 100. Cant wait to read more. Enjoy this time and stay safe when possible!
    Love you amigo,
