Monday, October 25, 2010

Tripping and Falling

So I know I haven't posted in a long time so no one is probably even following this anymore lol...
butttt i have a ton of stuff to talk about

Anyways, last wednesday we went to a crazy lcd soundsystem which is a techno bands concert.  I heard their music before and it was ok but the actual concert was really good.  And i got my over 21 bracelet hells ya!  And I got some alcohol... light beer though really isn't that good, but it wasn't too bad either.

I don't even think I posted on this but in florida I went to the beach and went for the first time into the Gulf of Mexico!  Woot!  Ok and the freakin water is warm.  Not like they say "Oh california water is warm or hawaii water is warm (actually hawaii water is pretty warm)" but florida was like a hot spa it was so warm, literally it was about 80 in that water and it felt soooo good.

But ya so the LCD soundsystem concert was crazy, before the concert I met Lia who is a pretty cool girl who is johnny's friend, we've hung out several times, she's kinda nuts but the kind of girl that I would definitely be friends with, her boyfriend was really cool too even though he was a stoner... but they kinda all are stoners so whatever lol... But before the concert we had dinner with her parents it was so funny, I had met her for the first time and I was meeting her parents along with jon.  So I totally hit it up with her dad because he was a boy scout and his two sons are eagle scouts so we were talkign about backpacking and stuff...  the funny thing is I make really good first impressions on people's parents, but I guess I just suck in all the after time...

But they went to the concert with us pretty funny and all her family bought the same exact t-shirt, lol, but before we went in they had to of course smoke a bowl aka smoke a bunch of weed and get high... SO they walked down a dark street to the side and lit up while i walked with them and watched them smoke.      The concert went well and that night was fun.  The next day jon had to work from like 5pm to 3 am freakin nuts!  so I didn't do that much... Oh i also walked all around boulder campus and that was crazy and their music hall is phenomenal its like a modern opera house...

Thursday I was trip sitting Lia and her friend Katie... which means they were on mushrooms and I had to watch them to make sure they didn't do anything stupid, "tripping" and "rolling" are basically slang terms for being on drugs and hallucinating... but i thoroughly enjoyed watching them go totally crazy it was kinda funny they weren't totally nuts but they would stare at something and be like "Whoa! pretty colors" and crap like that.

So friday was nuts... we went to the hill (which is like the party central for a college that is ranked like 5 in top ten party schools) earlier and jon and the others lit up the hooka with weed and did mega weed... funny thing is one of his friends (a girl about 18) is a drug dealer, but she is like a normal college kid not some freaky scary person.  But anyways we went back picked up lia then went to the hill again for a fancy wine party.  I had a glass of wine there... they all smoked more weed and cigars at the place again and jon had like 6 glasses of wine so he got pretty drunk and lia had a couple also, her boyfriend just smoked weed... anyways we got back to lia's house later and her roomates are both drunk... one of the her roomates, Daniel, was like grinding up on everyone and running around like freakin crazy, Lia and her boyfriend were like hooking up and stuff, jon was just sitting there stoned smiling, and heather (Lia's other roomate) was hardcore trying to hook up with me.  Anyways, so they were all drunk and wanted to play bear pong but there was no beer left lol, so Heather was kinda falling me around, but she was pretty drunk so I went outside where Daniel was throwing up hardcore from drinking so much and running around... I made sure he was ok, and just kinda walked down the street and left since I was the only sober one there and I didn't want to hook up with anyone...

So that's a crazy story i know you can ask me about it if you want it's pretty funny, but everyone smokes weed ALL THE TIME here.  Like every house smells like weed when you walk in its rediculous and jon and all his friends smoke every day sometimes a few times... but its definitely been real...

Tonight we are seeing a prescreening of Due Date with jon and his roomates all right!  I'm excited to see it with Zach Galfanakis or whatever and Robert Downey Jr.  Maybe, we will hit up a party later haha...

Anyways I also had half a glass of Vodka with Red Code Mountain Dew on that friday night and it was really good... mixed drinks were definitely awesome...

I miss you all like crazy and love you!  At least yesterday I was able to ahve a conversation with jon about not smoking as much as he did.  He said it was not an addicting drug, but I told him anything can become addicting whether or not it has addicting properties if you can't control it... so that was good, it's nuts here though like legitimately freakin crazy with all the weed and stuff but ya...

I love you, Jesus, and may he keep you and continue to bless you...


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