Monday, August 30, 2010

Presbyterians and Death Fraternity

Ok, so I'm just going to jump right into it.  Sunday I was going to go to a Baptist church in Boston but I got lost (as usual) and ended up going to a "Presbyterian Church".  You know you think Presbyterian... must be pretty conservative and normal, and everything was for the first half of the service...
However, I forgot to see the fine print that said the "Union Church of Christ"
Anyway about halfway through the service of a normal sermon on Martha and Jesus, the pastor suddently went off on a complete tangeant on how it was wrong for everyone to be against the Muslim church on ground zero, and I'm not saying I'm for or against this i just thought it was a shocking transition to politics...
Then i see these two ladies in front of me.  One is massaging the other and I think hey that's a little wierd.  So then the preacher starts talking about how they are a church accepting of all "kinds of love", and then I got it, yup there was definitely a lesbian couple in front of me that attended the church.  Not too soon afterwards the associate pastor started praying, he said something about mother earth and how we have abused her.  I definitely left in a hurry after the service was out.

Suffice to say, be warned when you go to a "conservative" church in a downtown city.
One of the sad things about Boston is everyone is so angry all the time.  When our subway completely bipassed a stop and we had to wait all the way back til we got off, this one guy was cussing out this big black lady who was working on the subway, it was something like,
"You're the bitch!!"
"No, You're the BITCH!!"
Me and Ojeda were kinda laughing at it.  Anyways again while I was on my way to crazy church this bicycle was riding by and this car wanted to turn right but couldn't so he laid on his horn.  The Bicyclist proceeded to flip the driver off and the driver rolled down the window and started cussing out the bicyclist.
These along with a few other times I can't remember now make me think people in cities are pretty angry.

Anyway, we are beating rock band right now.  Me, Steve, and Ken (Steve's roomate).  Somehow Ken figured out how to stick a tatoo on his guy that looks like a penis jutting out of his pants (sorry some guy humor but it was really funny)
Today, also I got a tour of MIT.  It was pretty awesome, it's just crazy the high power turbine, low power turbine, steve was working on this satellite telescope that could map the output of supernovas I just couldn't believe it.  I'm finishing up my tour tomorrow.
Theta Chi had a massive ultimate frisbee game and we ended up playing for 2 hours!  I was dying my legs are killing me and I can barely move.

I love the guys in their fraternity, they're kinda nerdy, but I you all know I guess so am I.  Not quite as nerdy as Steve spending three hours arranging stick on glow-in-the dark stars on his ceiling in the exact sequence on his ceiling as is normally in the sky.  I'm pretty exausted but having fun, I hit up an awesome week of recruiting and playing frisbee, soccer, and all kinds of events, it's been good.

Love you all and hope all your school is going well.  God Bless you and keep you.


Upcoming stuff:  Soccer tomorrow and finish MIT tour tomorrow.

Future:  You know the stuff.

P.S. the weather is so bipolar and after raining in 60 degrees its now almost up to 90

Saturday, August 28, 2010

MIT bound

Today I am writing this earlier in the day because tonight I am going to go with the freshman on a midnight tour of MIT.  I'm going with one of Steve's friends who is a "hacker".  These are the insane guys who find secret tunnels and ways to get into the top of buildings and other cool places.  Hopefully we are gunna get onto the small dome of MIT.

These guys are insane though.  Once they somehow got a cop car onto the dome of MIT along with other times getting a "time machine" phone booth from Dr. Who on top, a rotating map of the metro stations moving around the dome, and turning the dome into an R2-D2 droid when Episode 1 came out.  They do pranks like these every month... no one knows how, but it's pretty crazy, MIT kids are like geniuses its insane.

The fraternity house is awesome.  They have to go dry for the next two weeks during rush week, but this morning when I came in they had their big pre-sobriety party with tons of beer cans everywhere (They're drinking up all the alcohol in the house before the inspectors come today haha).  I love their fraternity though, their kinda nerdy but at least their not douches like their neighbors.  I would have liked to be in a fraternity hanging out with the guys a ton, and they have a terribly out-of-tune piano here along with a pool table, and their house is 5 stories in downtown Boston with a beautiful view of the bay and downtown city!

Today I met my cousin Beth for the first time.  We went to the Harvard Square and ate at Bartley's Burger Shop.  It was awesome and I got the Joe Biden burger and cousin Beth got the Mitt Romney.  Mine was of course a Bacon Cheeseburger with barbeque sauce... sooo good... and the meat was like half a pound.  This morning I accidentally grabbed Catherine's computer (Stephanie's roomate) because we all have macs.  What I find interesting about the macbooks is that all of ours break in the front bottom right, does anyone else have a crack in their computers there?  Anyways, I had to return that after lunch. It was so good catching up with a cousin I had just met, we talked about living in California in Boston, my future plans in travelling, and old stories about my dad when they all were kids.  "Ricky was a mean kid," she told me, it's funny now cuz my dad is so very mellow now.

Anyways we were trying to hang this deer head in Steve's fraternity room, someone suggested on the entrance door, but we thought that might be a little dangerous with the antlers.  I wanted him to hang it from the ceiling over his bed so he could stare into its eyes before he went to be every night, but that seemed a little rediculous as well.  They're trying to clean up before rush week starts but I think all they've really don is figured out a place to put the deer head, haha it's pretty funny.

I'm so glad I'm finally reunited with a piano, it's been such a long time since I've seen my friend.  Anyways, after tomorrow hopefully I'll have some interesting stories to right about besides the "say yes to the dress" marathon we watched last night (At Stephanie's apartment, not at the fraternity).  I think they were planning on pretending they were getting married and going to a bridal store and trying on all kinds of dresses lol.

I hope I didn't bore you all, I've started writing a book about my travels, I think I only slept 5 hours last night because I kept coming up with ideas, waking up, and writing them, I finished the first chapter and am halfway through the second, hopefully it will be done by the time I get back.

Love to you all in whatever you are doing God Bless!

Upcoming events:  MIT freshman tour tonight midnight - 4 a.m.with the "hacker" (I'm pretending I'm an MIT freshman), Tomorrow I'm going to the first Baptist church in Boston, Monday possibly getting an "official" tour of Berklee with Maggie, Tuesday - perhaps going sailing with Steve (that should be interesting since be both barely know how)

Future:  Chicago, I'm thinking a month and a half now

I'll leave you with these photos

Friday, August 27, 2010

Let me catch you up

So here's the scoop.  Josh told me to write a blog so here I am writing for you my best friends.  I love you all but I needed some time off to find myself.  Please keep this blog just to you guys cuz some of the stuff is going to be a little uncensored and I knew you guys could handle it, but others couldnt.  I left for Boston on Friday a week ago.  I was going to sleep in the airport when I arrived but it was completely empty so I headed for the T (which is the name of the bus/train system in Boston).  The first few days were a bit rainy, but I got to sleep in the basement on a comfy couch with an HD projector plugged into television... so that may have been a little distracting.  However, I did make my way to downtown Boston to check out Harvard University (I may have snuck into a dorm through a door that may have been left open), checked out Cambridge, snuck into Berklee school of music, saw Northeastern University (It's the most beautiful University by far), and New England Conservatory (which I loved as well).  I also visited the Prudential Center, The Boston Commons, Cambridge Public Library, Harvard Square, along with just the main downtown Boston area.  I have gotten lost so many times it's rediculous, but still fun.

Anyways, nothing makes you appreciate living with a bunch of guys more than living with 5 girls in an apartment for a week.  In between their constant drinking, the talks about hj's and bj's and almost an example on a banana I'm so glad to be moving out into a fraternity Saturday.  I did have fun though while there and I have been reading my Bible like crazy.  I'm hoping to get through the entire thing by the time I get back, I've never done it before but it's been comforting me greatly so I just keep on reading.

Last night, in their new apartment, Catherine and Stephanie had some random European guys over they had never met.  They danced salsa with them and talked with them and I talked with them a bit (In between the several shots they tried to get me to drink - Don't worry Liz I didn't) and I got invited to a soccer game today.  After stealing a bunch of music from Stephanie's computer this morning, I ended up just saying what the hell and going to the soccer game which was on the other side of the Charles River.
I thought I was gunna get my ass kicked cuz these guys were all big and European so I figured I'm screwed but I actually held my own.  Boy am I out of shape though, in my X-country days I could have kept up with any of those guys but I was just too tired it was rediculous.

Anyway my friend that I had met the night before, Hescham, didnt' show up til late so I kinda akwardly played with a bunch of guys I had never met for a while it was funny.  I still got some soccer skillz though.  I was kinda proud of myself.  But, unfortunately, my shoes are now super muddy and my pants are super muddy and I'm kinda screwed since I have nowhere to wash clothes, woops.

That's all for now God is really working in me and changing me and helping me get through every day though it is hard.  I love you all and until next time...

Upcoming Events:  Saturday - Moving into Fraternity of MIT and meeting my cousin Beth for the first time
Sunday - I'm going to the First Baptist Church of Boston!  that should be fun
Thursday - I'm leaving for Chicago

Future:  These are the cities I'm thinking about visiting, what do you all think?  Boston, Chicago, Tampa, Boulder, Las Vegas, San Fransisco.

God Bless and much love to you all,